The Speed of Light, Pyramids, and Architects from Outer Space
As children, when we found out about the speed of light, we were fascinated. To imagine something that could move so fast, as if it didn’t really move at all, is astounding. But light, like everything else in this universe, has speed. That is to say: it covers a specific distance in a given amount of time. It’s fast—but not fast enough when we think of it in terms of the larger scheme of things.
If the Speed of Light were Achieved
Ever since harebrained Einstein came along with his theory of relativity, people have wondered about the magic and miracle that the speed of light could provide. The fastest man in the world—Usain Bolt, of course—has a record speed of 44.72 km/h. Cheetahs—the fastest animals in the world—run 120 km/h. Bullet trains cover 320 km/h. Aeroplanes cover 885 km/h. And rockets—those nifty vehicles we use for space exploration at the moment—move at 7.9 km per second.
And yet, we’re nowhere near fast enough if the end goal is to explore the universe. It takes a little less than a year to get to Mars, which is our closest neighbor. The Galileo took 6 years to get to Jupiter. It will take somewhere under 10 years to get to Pluto—and of course, no human can be sent that far for that amount of time. There’s the problem of food, the problem of oxygen, the possibility of en route death, and the even bigger issue of a mental breakdown in space.
But Einstein told us, once upon a time, that if anything were to travel at the speed of light, ‘Time’ would be considerably delayed. And if one were to go beyond the speed of light, Time might be stop entirely relative to human beings on planet Earth.
And that’s what brings us to the pyramids.
Egyptian Engineers
It’s sheer folly to believe that ancient people in the millions got together and pulled large stone blocks up a steep flat surface and over many years, built the pyramids. Building so many of these pyramids in this primitive fashion would have required unbelievable manpower, endless resources, and at least some basic understanding of engineering.
But as far as archaeologists have revealed, no notable institute of engineering existed in ancient Egypt. The design of the pyramids is what has captured the fascination of so many people—but there’s more to the design than meets the eye.
The Coordinates
Let’s look at the geographic coordinates for the Great Pyramid of Giza: 29.9792458°N. Nothing extraordinarily striking about this, right?
And now, let’s look at the speed of light: 299,792,458 m/s.
And when did humans manage to measure the speed of light? Galileo could only determine that the speed of light was five millionths of a second. It was centuries later, somewhere in the 1900s, that the speed of light was measured with such accuracy.
But the ancient Egyptians surely knew about it all those years ago. What advanced technology was available to them that wasn’t available to Galileo? Oh, right: mummification.
Just kidding.
What this Means
The coordinates of the Great Pyramid matching the speed of light is no coincidence. There’s clearly a clue herein—perhaps even left intentionally. The beings who visited us so many centuries ago interacted with the locals: there are countless depictions of ancient gods in eerily familiar technological settings; and they knew that the people were more or less illiterate. Clues left behind, thus, could have been meant for an age that was yet to come—or perhaps it was an experiment: to see if we could evolve to their levels of intelligence.
After all, does this sound like nothing we’ve ever done? We sent the Voyagers into space—and on-board the Voyager, the famous Golden Record. On this Golden Record, plated with gold up are the sounds of the world and a selection of images chosen to depict life on Earth. On the cover of the record is a drawing of a hydrogen atom in its lowest state. The key to playing this record is also provided: the correct time the record needs to be rotated in binary arithmetic. In short, we’ve sent a very similar cryptic, mathematical message into outer space. If an alien civilization more advanced than ours finds it, they’ll know about us. And if a less advanced alien civilization finds it, they won’t know what to do with it.
Just like we didn’t know what to do with the coordinates until the speed of light was determined.
Intrigued to uncover the deliberately hidden truth for your uplifting benefit regarding your true origins and interstellar contacts? Visit direct experience-based hidden Truth revealing researcher, author and international speaker R. Scott Lemriel’s website today.
His work and books assist people to uncover what was deliberately taken from them without their consent of current awareness before they found themselves on this planet with little or no former memory intact.
July 20, 2021 @ 10:02 pm
Thank you very much, you opened my mind.